
Thursday, October 17, 2002

So my car died last Thursday night. Friday morning I got it towed to Steven Toyota, the only place in town that is AAA certified. They said that my alternator needed to be replaced (which is exactly what Sean said, because he is an automobile genius), and that it would cost around $550. Total crap. But whatever. So I am waiting to hear from them about the status of the car, and they never call. So I call Tuesday morning, and they said the part hadn't come in yet, but should get here today. Okay...and I don't hear from them again. So I call this morning and they said that the part was lost, and they would call the place up in Winchester to see if they could track it. Winchester is only an hour away. Why does it take nearly a week to get the stupid part in? So I just called them now, and they said the part should be in tomorrow. That's just great. The part should be in tomorrow. Right.

Moral of the story? Steven Toyota sucks.

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