
Thursday, June 26, 2003

The Masked Avenger versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini

"Masked Avenger is a hero to the modern world. He destroys his enemies with kung fu fighting, handsaws and guns, but with one small hang-up. At the sight of a woman, The Masked Avenger immediately begins to gratify himself, no matter what situation he is in. The evil Helmut Gunta plans to impregnante a virgin in order to have an heir, and the woman he has in mind is a nun, Sister Mary who happens to be the Masked Avenger's sister. Gunta has a plan to stop The Masked Avenger from getting in the way... organise a gang of strippers to keep him pre-occupied until Sister Mary is pregnant."

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is that bad.

The Supreme Court has struck down a Texas sodomy law. Good.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I awoke this morning to a phone call that was, of all things, a courtesy call for Michael, who is in Kansas.

How annoying.

Stephanie r0x0rs!

How random are you?

this quiz was made by alanna

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Awe..you're perfect in everyway..*wink*
AWE!! You're an angel sent from heaven!!!
Honestly..you're the perfect boyfriend...keep
up the good work..;)

What kind of boyfriend are you....???
brought to you by Quizilla

Go me.

And for the ladies

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Woah, twice in one night! Yeah, I know. But I noticed something on JMU's site that really pissed me off and needs addressing. First, some background info.

It all started on one lazy friday at the happy little place I called home for four years. James Madison University. The Board of Visiotrs met on Friday, April 18, 2003. There was a summary of the meeting on JMU's website. Included on the very bottom was a short little note that said that the Board of Visitors "voted to direct the JMU Health Center to discontinue dispensing Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP). The pills currently are available, with a prescription, to students for a $15 fee. The majority of Virginia public colleges and universities make ECPs available to students."

Wait, what?

Yeah, just out of the blue, BAM! No more morning after pill. I wonder if they realized the outcry that would occur and the debate that would split the campus with strife and fiery deaths and impending doom and lots of name-calling. Ooooo, I can use cool phrases, just like NBC's announcers! (NBC did some dumb ass thing on Funny Cide on Saturday about being on the "doorstep of destiny" in regards to winning the Triple Crown, which he didn't. They must have said it four or five times. Bob Costas is an idiot.)

On Thursday, April 24, JMU's school newspaper, The Breeze, (published on Mondays and Thursdays) has lots to say on the issue. Students signed a petition to get the SGA to write a bill of opinion on the matter. That, and more info on what exactly happened, made the front page. The House Editorial said the board sucks, just in a more friendly way. Adam Sharp (a very cool guy by the way) wrote a column about the ethics, or lack thereof, behind the Board's decision. Broderick Bond wrote a letter to the editor about how he was concerned that his tutition was being spent handing out abortion pills. Finally, two darts and pats were sent in regarding the issue, the pat obviously (hopefully) being sarcastic:

An "I'm-so-sorry-you-have-to-leave-town-to-kill-your-baby-now" dart to everyone petitioning to get the morning-after pill back in the University Health Center.
From a pro-life student who is disgusted the pill was ever offered on campus and strongly supports the Board of Visitor's decision to discontinue it.

A "way-to-keep-'em-down" pat to the Board of Visitors for stripping away the right of female students to access birth control.
From a conservative who's glad we're keeping our women barefoot and pregnant.

(For those unfamiliar with The Breeze, darts are anonymous messages to yell at somebody and pats are to congratulate)

The next monday, The Breeze had more to say about the issue. Again, making the front page, there was some information about a rally and march being held and some more random stuff on the subject. The House Editorial again addressed the issue, this time pointing out that the situation had garnered national attention and that everyone should act intelligently. Yet another column was dedicated to the Board's decision, and basically said that they really suck. Two letters to the editor were written about the subject this time. The first was from someone who sharply criticized the Board and University, and mentions the whole political agenda scandal. (Basically the idea is that either the delegate who wrote the initial request to ban the drug or a board member who will be running for office had been criticized about not taking a firm enough stand against abortion and decided to take it out on all the poor college students) The last letter(which is the third on the page) was written by a friend of mine, Leslie. It is very well written, and severely criticizes all those trying to get the pill back. The Campus Spotlight was dedicated to it, and two of the people I know (Andrea and Sean, both KKPsi Marching Band people). Finally in this issue we got some more darts and pats.

An "I-suppose-full-fledged-abortions-would-be-better" dart to the Board of Visitors — and all those JMU students who agree with them — for discontinuing emergency contraceptive pill distribution at the University Health Center.
From a self-respecting, practical woman who thinks that getting rid of ECPs will not get rid of sex or unwanted pregnancies and most likely will increase the number of actual abortions.

A "way-to-step-up-to-the-plate-for-JMU-students" pat to the Student Government Association for passing the Student Bill of Opinion.
From one pissed off sophomore who thinks people should learn about Plan B before they voice their ignorant, uninformed decisions.

Tensions are rising.

In Thursday's issue of The Breeze the controversy hits front page for the third time in a row. Two stories this time. The first talks about said rally and march, and the second discusses the difference between the ECP, which is a form of contraceptive, and RU-486, which is actually the abortion pill. The House Editorial also talks about the difference between the two drugs, and how you should know your facts before you talk. A very interesting column was written by a University of Virginia student who grew up in Harrisonburg. It talks about how some of the Board should learn about the difference between the two pills (again), and how college students are not "children", as we were called, nor should female students be referred to as "coeds". It's groovy that our neighbors are concerned about the issue as well. Yes, I said groovy. More letters to the editor. The first defends Obenshain's(the Board's member who brought the issue to a vote) credibility and character. The second is from an alumna of Madison College (JMU's former name) from the class of 43 and how she's not sneding any money to JMU until the board's decision is reversed. Finally, one pat to all the students who came out to the rally and march.

An "at-least-he-can't-say-he-didn't-hear-us" pat to all the wonderful JMU students who came out to protest the Board of Visitors' decision Monday both on the commons and in front of Mark Obenshain's office.
Sent in by a female sophomore who feels that since she is spending her money to come to this university, it is the board's job to give her and the rest of the student population the services that they want, whether they fit in Obenshain's agenda or not.

This whole thing has had a lot of attention, from such noteworthy publications as The Washington Post and Time.

So that's the background on the whole issue.

And now on to what pisses me off.

The Board of Visitors met this past Friday, June 6, 2003. The moment of truth. What will the Board do? I read the report that summarized their actions today. I scroll down to the middle of the document and find what I am looking for. Aha, here we go:

"In separate reports to the board's Education and Student Life Committee, Student Government Association President Levar Stoney and student board of visitors representative Timothy A. Brooks both called on the board to reverse its April decision ordering the JMU Health Center to stop dispensing Emergency Contraception Pills to students. Stoney said that 3,000 students had signed petitions calling on the board to reverse its action."

Sweet! And the Board's response to nearly two months of outcry?

"Neither the committee nor the full board took any action on the request."


They didn't do a damn thing. What the hell. What the hell do the voices of JMU students matter? Obviously, not one bit. Nothing we say or do matters to a bunch of old men who don't care one bit about the students. Whether you're dancing for joy or pissed as hell for what the board did, you have to admit this sucks ass. Not even a vote to reconsider anything. No action. They didn't even consider what the students wanted. Then again, they didn't do it in the first place, so why should I be surprised now?

I am very disenheartened by this action. This non-action. What with this and the absurd pay raises for top administration officials when the teacher's pay raises are frozen and tuition was raised THREE times in one school year and the squelching of intellectual thought with the firing of that english professor, I've reached the following conclusion. JMU does not care about its students, faculty, or anything even remotely resembling integrity, intellectual freedom, or the pursuit of knowledge. As much fun as I had at this University, as much as it has given me, it has screwed me and far too many others for me to support the school for a very long time.

JMU...up yours.

Back in Harrisonburg! For a day. Or two.

On the way to Harrisonburg I noticed a few things. Like how much people suck at driving. There are two things, no, three things that I cannot stand! I saw two of them today. The first is not using your turn signals. I mean come on. How hard is it to push the stupid thing down or up? You're just a lazy ass. It's important because it lets other drivers know what you're doing. So when you drive like a maniac at least we know not to try and get over since you're going to pull out right behind us to pass going 300 mph. Number two on the list of bad driving-ness is tailgating. Seriously, this is the most dangerous thing a driver can do. What if someone has to hit their brakes and you're tailgating them? ACCIDENT. It's not like tailgating someone will make the car move any faster. In fact, when people tailgate me I often slow down just to piss them off. They deserve it. The last thing that irritates me is when drivers don't put their lights on when it's raining out. Someone else noticed this in the Free-Lance Star today.

While driving on the lovely route 3, I am suddenly being tailgated by someone who pulled up to me very quickly. I was already going 67 in a 55 zone, but apparently that wasn't fast enough for this eprson. I look in my rear view and notice it's some woman driving a beat up 80's plymouth and smoking out the window. Obivously a tool. And of course after I could move over and did she went flying past me and immediately got in my lane, without using her blinker. But the thing that REALLY got me was before she passed me. When I was glancing in my rear view mirror I noticed she had one of those clear stickers going across the top of her windshield. Later, I realized what it really said. It was a picture of Tweety Bird™ and the phrase "I TAWT I TAW A PUTTY TAT!" However, since I was looking at it in a mirror, it looked more like "!TAT YTTU9 A WAT I TWAT I" (the 9 trying to be a reversed P). You can see why this would strike me as funny. Yes, I know, I'm awful. Sue me. (Please don't)

Speaking of things being in reverse, I heard the new Weird Al cd, Poodle Hat. One of the songs is titled "Bob" and the lyrics are nothing but palindromes. One of them made my crack up so much I fell off of the inflatable ottoman! It was "Nurse, I spy gypsies. Run!" Ha ha!

Anyway, hurray for updates. I'm going to Cape Cod on...Thursday. Fun will be had by all.

Baby Got Back.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Upon graduating, I got an email from Golden Key, an honor society that I am in, asking me to give them contact information for after graduation. Well, I did so, and apparently was signed up for a yahoo groups alumni list serv. I checked my school email today and noticed that I had approximately 100 emails from various other people that were on the list serv. Apparently they all replied to all every time, with emails saying "what's going on, how do I get off?" You'd think that college graduates smart enough to be in an honor society as prestigious as Golden Key would be able to figure out how to not send mass emails and how to remove their email addresses from a list serv. (Hint: click on the button that says "to unsibscribe from this list, send an email to unsubscribe@iamanidiot.com")


Native American curse or alignment of the stars...either way, is Bush going to die in office?

No matter what your opinion of the president, you must admit it will suck if he's assassinated or dies while he is in office. Especially if he's assassinated. I can just imagine the hunt for vengeance that will occur.

Thanks! And we have two lovely blogger buttons! And for some reasons my comments won't pop up. But at least you can actually read stuff on the page.

Yay Jason!

Ahem. It's ugly but it's a slight fix. I shall be working on a nifty design for Matthew to use for this Splendiferous page. Perhaps even spiffy.

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