
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A Culture Of Life 

By now, I'm sure you are aware of the passing of Pope John Paul II. One thing he was known for was his committment to what he called "a culture of life." President Bush claims that he wants to foster a culture of life in the United States. Many people, including the president, use this as a reference to abortion. Which it is.

Part of it.

But it's an entire culture of life, not just centering around women's abdomens. It centers around supporting all human life, through all stages.

The culture of life is against abortion and euthanasia. It also is against the death penalty. It also supports the poor, supports economic equality, supports quality of life throughout the world, and to all people. It supports peace. The culture of life is about love and respect for every human life, striving to make those lives as wonderful, fufilling, dignified, respected, and safe as they can be. No one life is more important than any other.

This Pope was a great supporter of all God's people.

The next time you hear someone talk about the culture of life, ask that person what exactly the culture of life entails. Maybe enough people will realize it's not just about abortion.

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