
Monday, August 08, 2005

Kelsey Grammer, Director of Adult Films 

This year is a good year for books and movies.

There's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince of course. And wasn't that just fantastic? We also have the next Wheel of Time book (Knife of Dreams...Jordan always has....interesting titles...), the next George R R Martin book (and it's about friggin time!), and the next Honor Harrington book of course. David Weber is fast becomming one of my favorite authors. For Sci-Fi at least. Yeah, it's not literature, but it's damn good writing.

As far as movies go we had Revenge of the Sith (yeah, yeah, I know...), and we're getting Harry Potter 4 (I'm excited about this one...Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort! Oh, and it seems 5 is coming out in 2007 and 6 in 2008....interesting....), and of course....The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Like I said, good year for movies.

Next year has X-Men 3 coming out. And looking at the cast, I see that we have some new characters...

Angel (hoping to see his other form), Beast (played by Kelsey Grammer, good choice!), PHOENIX!!!, Juggernaut (Vinnie Jones...), and Shadowcat.

I know I'm a colossal geek, but come on. How can you NOT be excited by this movie?

Speaking of Kelsey Grammer, was he in a porno?

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