
Friday, October 31, 2003

National Novel Writing Month begins tomorrow. So does my writing the best novel ever written.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Oh my god. I NEED this record. It's thick and hard, like a radish!

God I love obscure foreign references.

It's the end of the world as we know it! Maybe.

Have you heard The White Stripes song that is getting air lately? The first few times I heard it I thought he was saying "the hottest rocking tobaggon." Apparently it's actually "the hardest button to button." I think he needs to take diction for singers.

Wow, it's sad that there is someone who is so anti-anti-war that he'd do something like this. What the hell is wrong with this? You don't see American flags and "we support our troops" signs being torn down and burned. People suck.

I want to be in the Rock Paper Scissors Olympics! But I have to follow these rules though, some of which are very funny.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003


You can finally comment about individual posts instead of using the tagboard for graffiti. Assuming anyone actually reads this.

Oh yeah, I'm back from Florida. Summary to come.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Florida, Hooooooo!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

The families of the victims of two kids who went out in the street shooting stuff because they were inspired by Grand Theft Auto are suing Sony, the guys who marketed the game, and Wal-Mart for 250 million dollars. This is dumb. Just because some kids are stupid and/or disturbed and/or didn't learn anything about morals from their parents doesn't mean that the "game amde them do it." I can understand suing Wal-Mart, since the kids are 16 and 14 right NOW, which means they were definitely under the age of 17 (the age required to buy the Mature rated product) when they bought it. Wal-Mart shouldn't sell that kind of game to people under the age of 17. However, I still get carded for buying that kind of stuff at Wal-Mart, EVERY TIME, so I'm more likely to think that the parents bought it for the kids. If that is the case then wal-mart cannot be at fault.

This whole thing is shit. It's a GAME. PRETEND. NOT REAL. Just because two people out of the millions that bought the game and play it shoot some people doesn't mean the game makers are at fault. It's a friggin game.

Stupid kids.

Stupid people suing because they're dumbasses.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

New look, for the moment. Going to change the colors, since they're kinda ugly.

Looks like partial-birth abortions are going to be illegal soon. The interesting thing about this law is that it contains no exception for the health and safety of the mother, which is the reason that the Supreme Court overturned a similar state law. So it stands to reason that this law is going to be eclared unconstitutional. Wouldn't it make sense to NOT pass a law that is basically identical to another law that was found unconstitutional? It's kind of ridiculous, if you ask me. Oh, and big surprise that Santorum is the sponsor of the bill in the Senate.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Apparently the War on Terror is also the War on Satan. 'Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin has told church audiences his mission is "a battle with Satan." The struggle, Boykin said, is "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian ... and the enemy is a guy named Satan."' This is also the guy who talked about a fight with a Warlord in Somalia who also happens to be Muslim that "I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol." Despite the fact that Muslims consider his real God to be the same God as their own. Because Christians worship the same god that Jews worship, and Muslims worship the same god that Jews worship, ergo Christians and Muslims worship the same god. So the Christian God is bigger than himself, is a real god and also an idol? Boy, I love when devout religious fanatics spout inflammatory remarks about other religions when they don't realize they're attacking the same god that they espouse.

I have a beard. Picture to come.

If you have not seen Kill Bill yet, go do so right now. Stop what you are doing and go watch this beautiful piece of film. Close this website on your browser. Why are you still reading this?? Answer: psoriasis.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Ohio, Hooooooo!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

"Your soul is worth £51211. For your peace of mind, 13% of people have a purer soul than you."

I am in between Jason and Shaun. w00t?

Read a joke today that made me laugh, though most of you probably won't get it.

A man walks into a bar and says, "The name's Rigney. James Oliver Rigney. Jr."

Bartender: "And how would you like your drink, then? Let me guess...shaken, not stirred, right?" [rolls eyes]

JORJ: "I'll take mine in 10 seperate glasses, each one emptier then the last!" [Suave pose]

Bartender: "Whatever...." [Rolls eyes]


I'm such a dork.

This is a fun fun page. I learned so many wonderful things from it. For example:

1. Women were designed for homemaking, as Jonathan Goode, Grade 7, proved!

2. Bobbing for apples is EVIL!

3. Evolutionists are wacky!

4. Landover Baptist Church isn't funny at all, despite all appearances saying so! My God-given senses lie to me! Even though they're just trying to make sure good Christian folks like Jerry Falwell are consistant in their beliefs.

And did you know that triclavianism is heresy? Don't know what that means? Well neither does the dictionary. Those wacky Christians! Making up words! Let's see what else we have. "Adiaphora." Nope, not a word. But "salvific" is! I must confess I had never heard of salvation used in an adjectival form. Uhhh, does anyone have any clue on "theologoumenic"? I'll even use it in a sentence for you:

"However, my critics are overlooking the dangers of triclavianistic doctrines: allowing adiaphora to creep into our credenda -- while possibly pushing the theologoumenic envelope and providing exciting new opportunities for supererogative works -- will most often serve to muddy the soteriological foundation of Faith, leading in general to ultramontane excesses and, in extreme cases, ebaptization (which is unacceptable pastoral malpractice, however rare it may be.) "

Of course this requires defining "ebaptization", which is again, not a word, not to mention several other words which you may or may not know. Let's try using "theologoumenic" in a sentence without having to look up even more words. Here we go:

I like using words such as thologoumenic to make me sound important and scholarly when in fact it just might be possible that I am insecure blubbering moron, maybe.

Yeah, that's much better.

Anyway, the whole point of this was to discuss why this fabulous website changed servers. Here's the very legitimate and sensible reason that is based firmly in logic and reason:

"As stated, it was due to our previous host's lack of strong condemnation of triclavianism."

The web host did not condemn triclavianism, which isn't actually anything real, strong enough to suit the good people over at OBJECTIVE. And, pretending for a moment here that triclavianism is actually something and not just a made up fantasy, what do we mean when we say triclavianism? It says "that three, and only three, nails were used to affix our Lord Jesus Christ to the cross. "

Man, what a HUGE DEAL! (note that this is very different from a good deal)

What's really funny is that they acknowledge that that was almost definitely the case and that REAL LIFE evidence points to this conclusion strongly, we cannot assume it. Why? Because "if He remains silent on the issue of the number of nails used in the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, then it is not for us to presume to make it a point of contention. " So if Jesus were to have said in the Bible, "Hey man, you remember that time I died? Yeah, that sucked. But look! I kept all three of the nails they pounded into me! Isn't that badass?" then it'd all be good, even if archeological sources positively proved in the scientific sense of the word that 37 and a half nails were used. Cause you know, the Bible's still perfect, even though it was written two thousand years ago and languages change and it wasn't written in english and it was translated into english through other languages and people edited out parts of it to suit their own political agendas and the fact that it was written by MAN who, like the bible says, is inherantly FLAWED and IMPERFECT there's no way ANYTHING in the Bible could possibly be even a tiniest bit fuzzy on the accurate side of things.

I know man, people who say Jesus was pounded in by three nails are total fucking heretics! They should all be burned and not have any web business! Now let's all pray they see the error of their ways and never associate with the erroneous heretics again, even though that's what Jesus would do because he liked hanging out with the ancient equivalence of the badass biker gangs. He'd totally be tight with Onizuka, man.


I cannot even believe I rambled about all that mindless shit for that long.

We've hit a new high here at, um, my website.


Monday, October 06, 2003

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:Celebrity (for no good reason)
They show devotion by:Watching bad movies; the worst they can find!
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

It just fits so well!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Today is the beginning of the time of miracles.

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